Mike Abrusci is a comedian, writer and podcaster from Brooklyn, NY. He is the cohost of the A Little Time podcast with Diego Lopez. Time Out Magazine has described it as "subversive bro time". He was featured on Vulture Magazine's Follow Friday series. He has been seen as Medium Jake in Two Minutes To Late Night's Poseur Cops, on MTV, IFC's Comedy Crib, The Chris Gethard Show & The Special Without Brett Davis. He has performed at the New York Comedy Festival and the Brooklyn Comedy Festival. You may have heard him as a guest on Las Culturistas, You Know What Dude with Robert Kelly, Cowboy Boys, Axe To Grind & more. He wants you to know that writing a bio in the third person is weird and putting that in his own bio is probably a mistake.
Featuring Diego Lopez
ages 21+ (must have ID with you)
Tickets $15